Secure user and authorization management in the cloud – check Azure AD & Co

Identity Provider Quick Test

Identity Provider quick test: Azure, IDM & Co – can our solution do what we need?


Many companies cannot avoid the jump to the cloud. Microsoft, for example, provides Azure AD for the necessary user management, which can synchronise with the local Active Directory (AD) and promises to make everyone happy in comfort. In addition, products such as PING, ForgeRock, Auth0, DirX Access, HeloID, Airlock, Keycloak, OneLogin, ITSENSE, … or Enterprise IAM products from manufacturers such as Micro Focus, SailPoint, One Identity, IBM, SAP, ITSENSE, Atos, … promote usage.


But several companies have already discovered: User and authorization management in the cloud is not quite as simple as that, if only because synchronization is often not enough or makes sense.


Unexpected problems during implementation are often not based on the supposed weakness of the IT, but simply on the fact that the chosen solution does not cover the requirements to be satisfied at all. “Couldn’t anyone have told me this beforehand?” then the people in charge moan. “Yes, we do!” is our answer. Although no manufacturer lists in his product description what gaps his product has, but with many hundreds of projects background, an experienced expert knows the answer anyway.


No matter whether you have already decided on a solution and encountered unexpected problems during implementation or whether you are just trying to find out which solution is right for you:


With the deron quick test, you can clarify the key points of your requirements and find out which solution fits and with which concessions you will have to live with if you decide on a different solution.

Which solution is the right one for you? Get a first impression.
Take the quick test from deron.

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